Jeffrey Bentler: Today on For Cory's Sake the blog, Dad (Dad) and Jerry (Child #1) will be introducing themselves.

William Bentler: I am William Bentler, aka "Dad." I am the father of seven children. My children are my world, but I also got caught up in the family planet-saving business when I was just a child myself. I spent my career writing articles, essays and stories about the tragic injustices on the planet of Cory; trying to stir the hearts of the Borrynzian civilians to awareness and compassion. This work acquired some unexpected and quite hard consequences near its end . . . [Where For Cory's Sake begins]

Jerry Bentler: I'm Jerry, William's oldest. I spent my high school years playing baseball (quite well) and fighting with my dad. The story is, I wanted to get the Bentler business empire back (the one started by my great-grandfather before the invasion); and I wanted to be normal. So I started a baseball equipment company, on a foundation of slave labor--which created quite a bit of distance between myself and my rebel father.

Jeffrey Bentler: Tomorrow we will feature Weston (Child #2) and our sister Kerry . . .
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